Senin, 10 Agustus 2009

Morning Walk Redirected

One morning last week I raced the sun
to take a walk whilst day was young

the old orchard path would be my route
the dew-kissed grass would soak my boots

Far reaches reached I turned toward the sun
striding back where I'd begun

Towhee, field sparrow, mourning dove
sweet summer songs filled the air with love

When something glistening caught my eye
A shaking spider web strung head-high

The web weaver shook with all her might
that I might understand her plight

Vibrations from my heavy feet
Had tipped her off that we might meet

Her movement had intent to warn
to keep her precious web from harm

And I, unknowingly, like a deer
could give Miss Spider much to fear

In shaking hard her sun-dappled web
She'd found a place inside my head

Which warned me now to stop my feet
lest face and spider web should meet

Smiling at her clever warning sign
I ducked beneath her lowest line

Thank you, dear, for telling me
of this important thing so I could see

My thoughts, then on the World Wide Web
should have clearly been on yours, here, instead

Your crafty trap, unharmed, may still
snag a juicy fly—one not named Bill

When my two legs trod this path again
I'll look for you, my eight-legged friend.