Kamis, 17 September 2009

Preparing to Launch the MBS

We are deep into the final approach to launching the 2009 Midwest Birding Symposium. It all started with a van full and trailer load of stuff we needed to haul from southeast Ohio to Lakeside, Ohio, on the sunny south shore of Lake Erie. My BWD van was not happy about its heavy load. The rear end dragged a few times. And so did the van's.

Not much clearance, so we drove very carefully up route 250, through Amish country, stopping in Wooster, waiting for trains, and finally arrived at Lakeside.

Once there, the prepping/stuffing/organizing frenzy began. Fortunately we had a lot of help from the Lakeside staff and a small army of volunteers.
Bags waiting for attendees to arrive.

Hoover Auditorium is empty now, but will be filled soon.

South Auditorium, before the show set-up for vendors in the Birder's Marketplace.

Signage is being deployed... and in two minutes, the event will officially be open!