Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

And the Academy Goes To....

Okay so not quite, but it sure feels like it.

Over the past week or so I have been given some wonderful awards from fellow bloggers.  It really is the highest former of flattery to be recognized by peers so thank you everyone.  I've only been blogging for a little over 2 months and it's terrific to have found commonality with others - as well as get the chance to see different perspectives on everything from fashion to interior design to literature and, of course, food.

I'm going to try to list all the awards and the kind blog givers in one so here goes!! (and if I miss anyone, please let me know and I will add in right away).

**From Tamara at Memory Bean Designs came the Versatile Blogger Award.  She is such a pistol!  She's got a ton of energy and it shines through in her blog.  I used to live in Washington State and love to see her pictures for purely nostalgic reasons...she always takes me back!  Tamara also posts some amazing design photos to keep the mind always reworking the rooms.


1.Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2.Share 6 (or 7) things about yourself.
3.Pass this award to bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason!
4.Contact the bloggers you picked and let them know about the award.
So here goes!
1.  I am deathly afraid of moths.  I don't know why, but they really creep me out.  
2.  I grew up on a farm in Canada.  I mean rural.  Closest neighbor is a mile away.  Best place in the world to grow up.
3.  I used to own and operate a large childcare facility - 85 to 100 kids.  This is why I am unmarried and sans children. :)
4.  Cats find me.  I'm a cat magnet.
5. I have a partially photographic memory. 
6.  I lost 3/4 of my hair 7 or 8 years ago and it took 2 years for it to fully grow back.
7.  Sometimes I dream things and they happen - ever since I was a little kid.

New bloggers I recently discovered? 

**From Cafe Bellini came the Blog With Substance Award.  She has an amazing blog that covers all kinds of things.  Right now she has fab Armani Nail polish (swooooon!), but she has it all from yummy food to pretty perfumes and even cool cars!

Rules:  Select five words that describe your blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience

I started blogging because people have been stopping and asking me where I got a certain something or other for years.  My boyfriend has been telling me to carry cards!  Hehe.  

1.  Rather than the cards I started blogging to share with others.  

2.  Blogging is also a creative outlet for me - and that is something I need because I am a very creative person with a stressful job and a lot of energy.  

3.  My philosophy is be yourself (I'm counting that as one word) - don't try to be anyone else.  Some people say 'don't write too much people only want pictures'.  But I am a writer.  I am a story-teller. So I just did my own thing because at the end of the day this blog is a reflection of me - no one else.  If people follow I want it to be because they find something that speaks to them within my own particular style, not because it is an attempt to replicate what others are doing.  If you try to follow someone else's writing style, photo style, way of approaching subject matter - you will struggle and not have fun because it will not be from you.

4 and 5. My experience blogging has been warm, welcoming and work - so now I'm up to 6 words, but like I said I talk.  It's what I do.  The blogging community has been so kind to me - and I try to pay it forward with both new and more experienced bloggers alike.  There is so much good information being shared amongst bloggers and I love to be a part of that.  Blogging is also a lot of work.  It takes a level of commitment to have a substantial blog.

I'm passing this award onto:

**From March Musings at StyleNuggets came the Going Places Award - Have you visited her?  She is in Auckland, NZ and I love to see what she comes up with in her outfits daily.  She can work a flat, a boot and a heel 7 different ways from Friday!
The rules are:

1. Describe where you think you'll be in 10 years
2. Pass the fun along to 10 other bloggers

Here's the thing about this.  I have no idea where I'll be in 10 years.  Not one clue.  I'm like a leaf in the wind and I don't make plans or even speculate about plans so I guess that isn't such an exciting answer.  I do hope to be healthy and hopefully enjoying my career on the other side of this nasty recession.  I hope to see my family more often and I just want us to be maintaining close relationships with one another in good health.  You can see that health is a big thing to me.
10 other bloggers:  Okay here goes....

Turns out I got the Versatile Blogger twice!  Yahoo!!  The other person to pass this award to me was **Shawna at Poppies and Sunshine!  She finds some amazing and inspirational photos on everything from clothing and shoes to the cutest neighbor on the block.  I see her posts and save them for when I have more than 2 minutes so I can just sit back and take it all in.

This one I pass on to:
There are so many blogs I would like to mention here...will do in future links.  

 I feel like I'm missing one more award - please let me know because I don't want to miss out on crediting anyone.  I've scanned through my comments, but am so tired my photographic memory is not working so well right now. :) xoxo  and thanks again everyone - Carrie