Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Fourth of July Recap

Let's see now.  I donned my star spangled shoes and matching bikini...nah! haha!

Truth of the matter is the Chef worked every day except Monday the 4th which left me doing a wee bit of window shopping, organizing my closet and continuing the purge (yawn), testing the new gluten-free pizza crust at CPK (ixnay and just get the zPizza), meeting Jamie for an all-nighter dinner at The Corner (hehe), and laying out reading a book...until the crazy neighbors invited 75 of their own wingnuts over in the middle of the afternoon for a shakedown (when I left to meet Jamie one guy was racing around the backyard with a gigantic pea pod on his head).

All in all I can't complain--and even if I could complain I'd just rather not.  On Monday the Chef had his first day off in over 3 months.  Even though he pretty much slept the day away after we prepped and grilled it was so great to see him get to relax without being pulled in multiple directions.  I'm mortified to admit that despite his exhaustion he beat my a** at Boggle (hangs head).  I blame it entirely on having stayed up the night before until 5am bawling to watching E.T. and the wicked lemonade drink concoction we dreamed up in the kitchen--after the verdict this afternoon I've allowed myself to dip back in for a couple more.  Thank heaven for small mercies.

Boho barbecue
One closet organized and purged.  *pats self on back*
I'll drink to that!
Chef gets a day off to enjoy his own cooking boho style.  Yahoo!
I'll drink to that!
Naps on the couch with the world's best blanket while the cat scratches just outside the door.
I'll drink to that...with a side of Boggle in a twisted yoga pose.

Notice there are zero pictures of my face.  That is because my hair has been a wonderful, glorious fuzz mop for the past 5 days (ask Jamie--she saw it firsthand).  I'm in operation 'do as little as possible' and trying to soak up every second of it.  So far so good....

Hope you had a great 4th!  Any crazy tales?