Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Fringe Files: Last Days of Summer

Here's a rare Saturday night post.  Not sure I've ever actually done one of these, but the Chef insists so here it is.  We were piecing through some Instagram pictures and came across this one taken on a super hot day a couple weeks ago.

Chef:  'Oh you have to put this one up for the Fringe Files.'

Me:  'Uh, okay.  Maybe this week.'

Chef:  'What do you mean this week?'

Me:  'I'm pretty sure no one wants to see me wearing the same fringe bag in every post.'

Chef:  'Hel-looo there's a fringe bag AND boots.' pause 'I mean, you have a fringy reputation to uphold.'

Who can argue with that logic?  You can tell there hasn't been a ton of time for snazzier pictures as of late.  Not that we ever had a fancier camera, but you know what I mean. These days it's a lot of hair in ponytail, Instagram on the fly and quality time spent together vs. la-de-da outfits and time spent on photos.  We're still getting in the groove of the whole restaurant schedule thing, but it's starting to get a little better every day.  Thanks for hanging in there.
~James Perse-Tank, Gap-Cami (best.things.ever), Martin+Osa (RIP)-Denim Mini,
Joie-Fringe Boots (sorry last year), Brandy+Melville Fringe Bag(similar)~

Probably the last you'll see of my bare legs for awhile.  Fall weather has arrived in SoCal and I spent the day wrapped in one of my fave old cashmere sweaters.  Soon I'll be wrapped in a Missoni x Target throw though...victory is mine!!