Rabu, 21 September 2011

Off the Tracks. And a GF Chocolate Cookie Recipe

Prepare for a mad ramble.  Mayhem has struck at the bird.  I can't even remember what it was like to have daily posts planned a few days in advance.  What're those?

It's September and apparently what that means is people are serious about getting serious and that means I'm busy with work projects.  They come out of the blue.  One day I'm meandering around Target trying to figure out why the soccer moms had to buy up all of the darkest dark Ghirardelli chips, and the next I'm just grateful we managed not to eat every ounce of the cookie dough two days ago seeing as I'm now living on chocolate chip cookies as they're all I have the energy to make for dinner at 9pm.  And for breakfast at 7am.  True story.

Saturday night at, oh, 11pm I decided it was cookie time up in this dojo.  I had a big batch of gluten-free flour all  mixed up.  A refrigerator dive (like a closet dive only for frozen food) had produced a hidden bag of my fave Bernard Callebaut chips (hollar if you hear me Canadian peeps!) and it was go time.  Cut to scene and I'm passed out on the couch while the Chef rolls in asking why the oven's still on...woops! Dough's mixed, but in the fridge.  Sunday morning (or something) made for chocolate chip cookies for breakfast which is just fine by me.  And him too.  Jackpot.

Here's the thing though:  I didn't use all the dough at once.  I like a warm cookie.  Instead I make just enough (4 to 6 if I'm flying solo--fyi) and keep the rest in the fridge.  You know what this means though, right?  I'm all kinds of messed up eating warm cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
As soon as I open the fridge in the morning, it calls out to me. 
'Make a cookie.'  Oh who am I kidding?  More like, 'Make 4 cookies.'
Who am I to argue?
By afternoon, 6 cookies deep and 40 phone calls later, that bottle
of wine isn't looking so bad either.  I kid! 
Do you have any idea how many times I've made 6 cookies "for the blog" and then proceeded
to eat them all without taking one single picture for 'the blog'? 
More times than I'd care to remember, thank you very much. 
Blame it on the deadlines?
(just like that time I blamed a few purchases on Olivia Palermo even though she has no idea who I am)
And for the record--the cookies are not that small! 
Coincidentally neither is the ever increasing amount of, how shall I say, junk in my trunk. 

Confession:  Yesterday I ate 3 cookies, a radish, a small taco, another radish, a baby cucumber, 4 more cookies, a couple more radishes, a small piece of lasagna and 3 final cookies that I totally needed because it was the Season Finale of Teen Mom.  Can Maci and Ryan just get back together already?!?

Notice how I deflected that right off my clearly spelled out cookie issue?

Anyway, I have to roll off to bed because it's 1am and I actually feel sick from all the cookies I ate.  Time to go sleep off the sugar rush and prepare for morning consumption.

If you want the most killer chocolate chip cookie recipe evah use this one and if you're gluten-free just substitute my flour mixture (here) in place of the regular flour.  You can't tell the difference at all.  Should you try the recipe I will await your arrival at the Cookie Rehab Center.  I'll be the one with chocolate smeared on my t-shirt and the Lap Band ad in my hand.

Not pretty.  Not pretty at all.