Philippines in the UK

The birding group from my trip last March to the Philippines.Last March I went on a birding trip to The Philippines, about which I wrote a few posts here on Bill of the Birds. I saw many amazing birds there and made a whole passel of new friends. One of my new friends is Lisa Marie Paguntalan, who is leading a team that is working to save the critically endangered Cebu flowerpecker. I interviewed Lisa for episode 21 of "This Birding Life" my podcast,......

Scenes from the Bird Fair

When you arrive at the British Birdwatching Fair, which is as close to a Woodstock for Birders as anything in the world, you are directed into one of several car parks. These fill up quickly, as shown above, just an hour after the gates opened on Friday. Two things amazed me about the car parks at the BirdFair (as it's called for short): One, I couldn't believe how MANY people attend this annual event—more than 25,000 this year! Two: I was astounded......

The Bird Fair Mural

During the Bird Fair many of the artists who are here displaying and selling their work participate in the Great Mural Project. They each paint a bird or something on the giant mural, which has had a background painted in. The mural is reproduced on cards, which are sold to raise money for conservation. When the mural depicts the birds of a specific region, ecosystem, or country, it is donated to that place to be used as a fundraiser and to be displayed......

British Bird Fair

Inside one of the Bird Fair marquees.I have been in England for a few days, attending the British Birdwatching Fair at Rutland Water. This is the largest event for bird people in the world. There are a half-dozen giant tents filled to bursting with booths (called stands or stalls here) selling and promoting everything a birder could want: clothing, optics, gear, technology, travel info, books, artwork, memberships, feeders, seed, you get the idea.Nicky......

Tree Snag Birds

Hey, what's that up there on the end of the snag? Can you see it?Let's look more closely... It's a bird—a common potoo, to be specific. Potoos are similar to our North American nightjars—the whip-poor-wills and relatives—in that they are large-mouthed, nocturnal birds that fly around catching and eating large flying moths and other insects.Part of the common potoo's survival strategy during the day, when it's resting, is to use its cryptic plumage......

White-bearded Manakins

Here, at last, is the white-bearded manakin video I promised to upload last week. I took these clips in late July on the main forest trail at Asa Wright Nature Centre, just past the giant sign that says White-bearded Manakin Lek.I used a Leica digiscoping set-up to get the shot, and I was amazed at the quality despite the fact that the video was taken inside the forest with only indirect sunlight. The camera movement is all my fault—the result of my ongoing battle for position with my balky tripod.In the background of the clip you can hear the following: forest cicadas, bearded bellbirds, white-bearded......

Asa Wright: Beyond the Verandah

The verandah view at Asa Wright in Trinidad.It's really hard to leave the incredible setting of the Asa Wright Nature Centre verandah, but if you want to see certain species of the centre's wonderful forest birds, you've got to hit the forest trails. Our first morning, after breakfast, we met our guide Roodal Ramlal at the foot of the verandah stairs. He took us down the main trail and into the forest. All around us we heard insects droning and birds......

Digiscoping at Asa Wright

Crested oropendola.I've heard several well-traveled friends say that Asa Wright Nature Centre in Trinidad is an excellent destination for a bird watcher's first tropical birding experience. All of the characteristics of a tropical birding experience are present at Asa Wright: jungle/rainforest, amazing plant and animal life, heat and humidity. But the diversity of bird species present is not overwhelming.Whereas a first trip to Brazil might place......

On Martha Stewart Living Radio Today

For those among you who have some available eartime this afternoon, I'll be appearing on the Martha Stewart Living Today radio show at 1 pm EST. The show is broadcast on Sirius Satellite Radio, channel 112.Host Mario Bosquez is a bird enthusiast and he's always ready with a series of seasonally appropriate questions for me. We always take listener calls, usually with bird questions (866-675-6675). Today's topic will be "the birds of summer." I am......

Morning Walk Redirected

One morning last week I raced the sunto take a walk whilst day was youngthe old orchard path would be my routethe dew-kissed grass would soak my bootsFar reaches reached I turned toward the sunstriding back where I'd begunTowhee, field sparrow, mourning dovesweet summer songs filled the air with loveWhen something glistening caught my eyeA shaking spider web strung head-highThe web weaver shook with all her mightthat I might understand her plightVibrations......

Irene the Headless Backpacker

One of the casualties of the recent trip to Trinidad and Tobago was my travel guitar. The headstock cracked off my Martin Backpacker guitar (again). About five years ago I slammed it in a van door, snapping off this rather important part, rendering it unplayable. A local luthier glued it back together and it played as good as new. That is, until I got the bright idea to take it along to the tropics on a trip where there would be some musically oriented......
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