oleh: Kian SingSetiap hari kita selalu mendengar istilah-istilah kenari: lokal, impor, AF, F1, F2 dan lain sebagainya. Beberapa penghobi masih bingung dengan istilah “F” di sini. Istilah “F” ini secara kasar dapat dikatakan sebagai “keturunan”. Bila “F1” ya berarti “keturunan kesatu”, bila “F2” ya berarti “keturunan kedua”, demikian pula selanjutnya. Tetapi lain lubuk lain belalang, demikian pepatah berkata, di daerah lain “F2” mewakili kenari hasil......

Red Sky at Morning

The sky donned its Halloween costume at dawn this morning, dressing up as a huge serving of rainbow sherbet. While waiting to put Liam on the bus, we watched the ever-changing hues, tones, patterns.The driveway oak shook off its leaves like it had no further use for them. Yesterday it wore an orange-brown dress. Today that dress lies scattered in several thousand pieces on the muddy ground. The oak is readying itself for cold weather ahead.I guess......

Midwest Birding Symposium Memories

Whether or not you made the scene at the 2009 Midwest Birding Symposium, held in September in Lakeside, Ohio, you now have a chance to experience (or revisit) the MBS on the Web. Audio files for most of the speaker presentations, a photo gallery, comments from attendees, links to blogs about the MBS, and links to pre-register (as an attendee, sponsor, or vendor) for the 2011 MBS are all available at the event's new landing page:

Autumn Views from the Tower


Opportunistic Anis

Smooth-billed ani.Last July I was on a digiscoping trip to Trinidad & Tobago sponsored by Leica Sport Optics. On the second day of the trip, we left the friendly confines of Asa Wright Nature Centre for a bit of birding afield. We drove down out of the mountains to the Aripo Agricultural Research Station, where, after turning off the highway into the station's entrance, we encountered our first interesting birds.A pair of tiny green-rumped parrotlets......

Kenari stafford

1. ASAL MULA KENARI STAFFORDPada akhir tahun 1970an di Inggris, tepatnya di daerah Staffordshire, sekelompok pecinta kenari berkumpul dan membincangkan kemungkinan mencetak jenis kenari baru hasil persilangan, yang dinamakan crested red/rose bird. Pada waktu itu ditetapkan untuk mencetak jenis burung kenari yang baru red/rose dengan panjang 5 inch dengan jambul yang sempurna seperti jambul pada burung kenari asli Inggris lainnya. Mereka sadar bahwa......

Attention Digiscopers!

Bird Watcher's Digest has partnered with Swarovski Optik for this year's "Digiscoper of the Year" competition. Swarovski has offered this competition for several years, and each year the images submitted get more and more interesting.You can read the rules here.And you can see some of the images uploaded so far for the competition by visiting the DOTY homepage.The good news is this: If your image is chosen, you could win some sweet Swarovski binoculars.......

Memulai ternak kenari 2

Perkembangan kenari di indonesia sangat menggembirakan. Beberapa tahun yang lalu pasar-pasar kewalahan melayani kebutuhan akan permintaan burung kenari. apalagi saat burung kenari mulai di lombakan. Yang dari tahun ketahun perlombaan burung kenari ini semakin ramai.Untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar kenari yang begitu besar banyak juga penangkaran lokal yang mulai dikembangkan, namun masih saja belum dapat mencukupi kebutuhan pasar. Sehingga masih juga......

New Feeder Shots

The new feeders I set up two weeks ago, outside the west kitchen window, are getting lots of traffic now. All the usual suspects are in the chow line rotation, which greatly enhances the daytime view from the seats at one end of the kitchen table.I used a tripod clamp to attach my Canon 30D with the 300mm lens to the table, so I can sit there working or eating or reading the newspaper (remember those?) and be ready to snap off some frames if there's......

Big Sit 2009 Afternoon/Evening Report

As the day came on and the fog lifted, we began to tally lots more birds from the top of the Indigo Hill birding tower. The feeders got busier and netted us our expected American goldfinches and white-breasted nuthatches, plus three woodpecker species, and both of the common red finches: purple and house. Either one of these could have been a miss.The list zoomed up into the 50s. At 10:22 am I posted this on Twitter and Facebook:Indigo Hill Big Sit......

Big Sit 2009 Morning Report

Looking like Bazooka Joe at the start of 2009 The Big Sit.Last year I blogged from the Indigo Hill birding tower throughout The Big Sit. This year my trusty laptop was off getting a new brain put in, so I was reduced to sharing reports via my iPhone on Twitter and Facebook. This was much easier for me, but perhaps not as informative for those of you on the receiving end, since Twitter limits each "tweet" to 140 characters.I ascended the tower stairs......

Plum Nice Birding

Today I got a chance to go birding at a world famous spot in Massachusetts: Plum Island. This is the general name referring to the coastal habitats that include Parker River NWR and Joppa Flats, where Massachusetts Audubon has a wonderful new visitors center. My companions on this adventure were several folks from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, led by editor Lisa White.After visiting the Joppa Flats center, we stopped at an ocean overlook where we got......

More Preparation to Sit

That's our birding tower in the photo above. And that's me taking a newly assembled feeder tree over to the side yard to augment our feeding station. Well-stocked bird feeders can be a huge asset on a Big Sit (oh, that does not sound very good, let me re-phrase). Well-stocked feeders can make your Big Sit more attractive (better?) to birds.I give up!The point I'm making is that I spend a lot of time scattering seed and placing feeders and water features......
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