Footprints & Snow

Liam cannot resist the fluffy whiteness of snow. He goes out onto the deck barefoot to scoop up a handful which he then eats with great gusto.I pointed out to him that, given the number of bird tracks in the snow, he might be eating a bit of bird poop. He just laughs at me like I'm crazy.I think I'll tell him the story about the time I got sent home from school in first grade for wearing a Snoopy patch on my jeans that said "Don't Eat Yellow Snow."......


Walk with me, this snowy pathLook close to see who passed this waydeep in the night now turned to day.Softly whispering across the snowlisten now, nature's silent songa melody lingering all winterlo......

Happy Holidays!

Some images of winter birds, winter colors, and winter scenes to go along with my best holiday wishes to all of you: the readers, comment-makers, and friends who stop by Bill of the Birds. Heck I'll even send along a happy holidays to the blog spammers from the Far East—clearly my posts mean a lot to them, too.I'll be otherwise occupied through the end of the year: enjoying some family time, working on a book manuscript, trying to reconnect with......

When the Going Gets Rough (leg)

On our late November birding trip to The Wilds, the birding started out very slowly. Normally as we drive the roads around the property we spook up flocks of horned larks, Savannah sparrows, American tree sparrows, and dark-eyed juncos. Not on this reasonably mild winter day. It was Deadsville, dude.So we did what any bunch of bored birders would do, we started scanning to see if we could spot anything interesting. I've already recounted our observations......

Budidaya Jalak Suren

Jalak suren sebenarnya bisa ditemukan hampir di seluruh pelosok Indonesia. Namun, sekarang burung ini semakin sulit ditemukan. Apa yang dialami burung lain, populasinya kian hari kian susut di alam, ternyata juga dialami jalak suren. Pencemaran sawah oleh pestisida, penangkapan untuk dipelihara atau diperdagangkan, dan penciutan hutan merupakan penyebab utama menurunnya populasi jalak suren yang bernama ilmiah Sturnus contra jalla.Keistimewaan jalak......

Burung Ciblek

Ciblek (Prinia Familiaris) sekilas tampak tampilan burung ini kurang menarik, dengan warna bulu yang kurang memikat (berwarna dominan abu-abu) dan suara yang monoton yang sering di perdengarkan ciblek di alam, membuat banyak orang memandang sebelah mata terhadap burung ini. Berbeda dengan sepupunya Prenjak, yang telah lama memikat hati bagi sebagian orang karena kicauannya yang jika bersahutan antara jantan dan betina nampak serasi dan merdu serta......

Menangani burung ngurak

Mitos Yang Salah Tentang Mabung (Ngurak)Mabung atau rontok bulu (moulting) adalah siklus normal dari keluarga burung, seperti halnya ganti kulit pada jenis ular. Secara gampang, saat mabung kondisi burung jelas tidak nyaman, atau merasa “sakit”. Bagi penggemar burung berkicau, khusus yang merawat burung lomba, perawatan saat mabung adalah menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Sedikit daja kesalahan, hasilnya bias sangat mengecewakan, bukannya membuat......

Buck Fever at The Wilds

The rolling grasslands of The Wilds, a "reclaimed" strip mine that is now an endangered animal facility and a birding hotspot.Heading back to The Wilds for another post or two...On the Saturday after Thanksgiving, we took the kids on a drive to The Wilds, near Cumberland, Ohio for a day of birding and animal watching. Deer-hunting season was set to start in two days. Because The Wilds has vast areas of fenced grassland where endangered animals are......

Here Comes the Solstice!

It's wonderful to think that by next week the winter days will begin to lengthen and the nights begin to shorten. We can't complain, really. Our winter has been fairly mild thus far. But the killing frosts and chill morning air remind me just how much I love spring.These two shots show the last full moon over the winter landscape near our southeastern Ohio farm. How ironic that as winter begins, so, too does the long slow tilting of the Earth toward......

Swans Mystery

Back to the mystery swans we encountered at The Wilds. As some of you web-savvy readers have already determined, these were trumpeter swans. I should pay more attention when I name my images for uploading!Before 1900, trumpeter swans were extirpated from most of their North American breeding ranges by hunting. Only a remnant breeding population remained in Alaska and remote parts of the West.During the 1990s there was a captive breeding and reintroduction......

At The Wilds: Mystery Birds

The Saturday after Thanksgiving we took the kids birding to The Wilds, a 20,000-acre recovering strip mine that's an endangered animal breeding and research facility. In the temperate months you can tour The Wilds in one of their buses. But most bird watchers visiting The Wilds just like to drive the roads to see what birds are around, in the vast grassy fields, and the many ponds and lakes that dot the landscape.On the south side of The Wilds there's......

Greed and Manners at the Bird Feeder

Tufted titmouse eating with its bill open.Our new feeding station on the deck railing outside the kitchen table window has been a busy, busy place these past two weeks. The weather has taken a decided turn for winter. The naturally occurring food supply—fruits, berries, seeds, late insects—has been diminished, so our seed, nut, and suet-eating friends are coming to our feeders in greater volume.Tufted titmice, I've noticed, are hit-and-run eaters.......

Cooking Lunch in the Woods

This image and most on this post were taken by Julie Zickefoose.The borders that were most likely to be breached having been thoroughly posted, Liam and I headed down the valley toward Beechy Crash. Beechy Crash is so-named because in 1992, when, with the ink still wet on the real estate papers, we first hiked this land of ours, we discovered a huge sandstone and shale ravine crisscrossed with fallen, giant beech trees. An early spring hike to Beechy......

The Hotdog Brothers Post the Border

Liam was a big help on our border posting expedition.Two Saturdays ago, Liam and I had the first major Hotdog Brothers' adventure of the winter. We finished posting the east and south borders of our 80-acre farm with No Hunting/No Trespassing signs. Having lived on this patch of land for the better part of the past two decades, I know that my signs are really just a formality—a way to ask nicely that our boundaries be respected. Most years we have......
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