Bad Weather Birds

Bad winter weather here in southeastern Ohio often brings an unusual bird to the feeding station. This winter we've had a handful of uncommon birds coming into the yard to check out the feeders, probably attracted by all the noise and activity of our regular feeder visitors. A lone pine siskin has stopped by, several tree sparrows have too. But no red-breasted nuthatches, redpolls, or evening grosbeaks have appeared, sadly.This particular visitor......

Jangkrik Sebagai Pakan Burung Ocehan

Penyebaran jangkrik di Indonesia adalah merata, namun untuk kota-kota besar yang banyak penggemar burung dan ikan, pada awalnya sangat tergantung untuk mengkonsumsi jangkrik yang berasal dari alam, lama kelamaan dengan berkurangnya jangkrik yang ditangkap dari alam maka mulailah dicoba untuk membudidayakan jangkrik alam dengan diternakkan secara intensif dan usaha ini banyak dilakukan dikota-kota dipulau jawa.Ada lebih dari 100 jenis jangkrik yang terdapat di Indonesia. Jenis yang banyak dibudidayakan pada saat ini adalah Gryllus Mitratus dan Gryllus testaclus, untuk pakan ikan dan burung. Kedua......

Tongue-tied Tuesday


Surrounded by Giants

The Space Coast Birding Festival always treats book authors well. They invite us to do talks, lead field trips, and they make sure our books are available for sale in the huge vendor hall. The best thing, however, is the schedule of regular and convenient book signings in the Friends of Merritt Island NWR booth.Phoebe and I were asked by Sandee from FOMI to do a book signing for The Young Birder's Guide. (Phoebe and her elementary school classmates......

When the Birding Gets Slow

Phoebe and I made a bunch of appearances at middle schools in north Brevard County near Titusville as part of the Space Coast Birding & Wildlife Festival. We were trying to encourage some of the students—all near Phoebe's age—to consider birding as a fun, cool thing to do. We gave a half-dozen talks and lead a half-dozen walks. And I believe we made a few new birders.The talks all went really well (I am so proud of the Phoebster for taking to......
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