Burung ini dapat belajar dengan cepat untuk mengetahui siapa yang mengisi makanannya, siapa yang membersihkan minumannya dan siapa yang memberikan sayuran kepadanya. Begitu besarnya rasa mudah percaya, sehingga burung kenari ini dapat dilatih untuk bertengger di jari kita atau di telapak tangan kita. Sudah tentu ini harus dengan latihan, yang dapat diatur dengan memakai makanan sebagaimana umumnya para pelatih binatang sirkus melatih binatangnya. ......
Burung Perkutut
Perkutut dalam bahasa latinnya disebut Geopelia Striata dan masih berkerabat dekat dengan perkutut besar (geopelia humeralis) dan perkutut tutul (geopelia cuneata, yang sering disebut perkutut afrika) yang banyak hidup di Australia. Perkutut termasuk bangsa merpati-merpatian (Columbidae) yang terdiri dari 10 kelompok antara lain : Punai, Katik, Pergam, Ucal, Junai, Mabruk, Delimukan, merpati (dara), Tekukur dan Perkutut. Bangsa merpati-merpatian mempunyai ciri-ciri umum seperti: Hidup berpasangan dan bertelur dua. Mempunyai tembolok (pemakan biji-bijian). Mempunyai alat yang dapat menutup hidung,......
Introduction to Birding in Guyana

A couple of years ago I was invited on a familiarization tour of Guyana. I was unable to go, but knew several of the people who DID go, including my wife Julie Zickefoose, and my British birding pal, and co-founder of The British Bird Fair, Tim Appleton. I'd heard plenty of stories about the birding, the climate, the vast expanses of rain forest, and the people of Guyana, so I eagerly agreed to be part of a trip in spring of 2010.Guyana. Here in......
Burung Kacer

Kacer mempunyai nama ilmiah Copsychus saularis termasuk dalam phylum chordata, ordo passeriformes, family muscicapidae, genus copsychus. Habitat asli burung yang dalam bahasa Inggrisnya disebut Magpie Robin/Oriental Magpie Robin/Straits Robin ini adalah daerah hutan terbuka, kebun dekat pemukiman penduduk. Burung ini lebih menyukai area terbuka di pinggiran hutan dibandingkan dengan di dalam hutan yang lebat. Meskipun menyukai daerah terbuka, namun......
Spring Arrivals in Two Waves
Man, you go away for a fortnight, and while you're gone, all the spring birds start arriving! Just in at the farm this week: fox sparrow, chipping sparrow, tree swallow...Fox sparrow. We had three under the deck feeder yesterday morning.The chippies got in this morning, according to my sources at Indigo Hill. Eating suet dough they were.Red-winged blackbirds, common grackles, and brown-headed cowbirds all got in a week or so ago. With these first......
Pondering My Life List

Masked duck was one of my most recent life list additions.I need some input from you, the readers of this blog. I just updated my life list and found that I now have 674 species on it, after recently adding masked duck in Florida and several pelagic species off the coast of California. While I've never been much of a lister—I sometimes go years without updating my life list—I DO enjoy the thrill and challenge of adding a new bird to it.Adding a new......
Beautiful Gull

On the pelagic trip I joined out of San Diego, California, in early March, I got a chance to take a few images of what just might be North America's most beautiful gull. Note that I said "gull" not "girl." And I suppose this is where, by law, I am required to insert the joke "I wish they all could be California gulls."We did see Cali gulls on the trip, as well as western, ring-billed, Bonaparte's, and glaucous-winged. But the most beautiful, in my......
Clean as a Rail
I believe I have discovered the secret of how the light-footed clapper rail keeps its feet so clean. After all, if you made your living striding around in the marsh mud, do you think you could live up to the name "light-footed?"This sub-species of the clapper rail is found along the Pacific Coast of southern California, south of Los Angeles. It is critically endangered due to a number of factors: habitat loss, increased predation, rising ocean levels, and the effects of pesticides. Efforts to help the species to recover have been fairly successful where there is enough appropriate habitat.Our......
Uncountable Alien

I've gotta give another BOTB shout-out to the most amazing bird I've seen in the United States thus far this year: the black-throated magpie jay. There's a small number of this species that lives along the San Diego/Tijuana, Mexico border. They are probably there as a result of some bird smuggling gone awry or as escaped cage birds. They are native to west-central Mexico, but have begun breeding in southern California. They are not countable now......
BWD 1978

While visiting a park (ahown above) along the Pacific Ocean in La Jolla, California, I happened to look down and there, in the concrete right next to where I had parked, was this inscription carved 30+ years ago.Now 1978 is the year my family started Bird Watcher's Digest in our living room, and we had a surprising amount of support from the birding community right from the start, but I'm not sure we were impressive enough to inspire someone to......
Some Birds Along the Border

Anna's hummingbird, male, at Dairy Mart Ponds.Digiscoped images from my Friday all-day birding field trip along the US/Mexican border. We saw some great birds, including—but not limited to—these. Looking for the nesting night herons near the sports park ball fields.A male hepatic tanager in the trees near the ball fields. This guy has been hanging around this coral tree for months.A peregrine falcon has been roosting on the lights at the ball fields.......
Sleeping Godwits

Along the Pacific coast, near San Diego, my birding group ran across this flock of sleeping shorebirds. The flock was mostly marbled godwits with a few dowitchers and a willet thrown in.Our group tallied 100 species in our Birds Along the Border field trip. If you've never attended the San Diego Bird Festival, take it from me, it's a good one! It's amazing how many birds you can find when you've got ocean, freshwater sloughs, mountains, desert, and......
Burung Beo Belajar Bicara
Burung beo terkenal pandai bicara. Tapi jangan salah tafsir, tidak ada jaminan sama sekali bahwa apabila kita membeli burung maka burung tersebut akan menjadi bagian dari keluarga dan kelak dapat bicara. Melatih burung kakatua bicara memerlukan rasa kasih sayang, kesabaran, dan konsisten. Burung yang masih kecil pada umumnya jauh lebih mudah dilatih dari pada burung yang sudah besar. Kasih sayang Hampir semua binatang peliharaan memerlukan perhatian dan kasih sayang dari majikannya. Perhatian dan kasih sayang ini akan dibalas olehnya misalnya ditunjukkan pada saat si majikan akan pergi......
Ayam Ketawa

Ayam ketawa adalah ayam yang bisa membawa hoki bagi pemiliknya, hoki bisa ikutan ketawa dan hoki karena memang Ayam Ketawa adalah Ayam yang langka, yang tentunya jika dijual menghasilkan keuntungan yang menggiurkan. Apakah Ayam Ketawa ini memang bisa ketawa? Ya memang , Ayam Ketawa ini memang suara kokoknya seperti layaknya suara ketawa manusia pada umumnya. Malah kalau kita baru mendengarnya suara Ayam Ketawa ini seperti burung perkutut. Ayam......
Sekilas Tentang Burung pentet / cendet
Cendet atau pentet adalah jenis burung kicauan yang sedang naik daun belakangan ini. Pada dasarnya burung ini adalah termasuk jenis burung buas. Apabila anda punya waktu, mungkin memelihara cendet dari kecil juga boleh dicoba. Namun apabila anda sibuk, maka saya sarankan coba untuk pelihara yang setengah jadi, yang sudah 1-2 kali mabung. Dengan kualitas yang bagus, dikombinasikan dengan master dan perawatan yang bagus, saya yakin akan tercetak cendet-cendet......