Transition Inspiration: Isabel Marant RTW Fall 2010

For the past 5 days in Southern California Mother Nature has graciously paid us back in full (and in record time) for the summer we were robbed of.  Two of my best friends were visiting and we had a great time taking in the warmth, but when they left this afternoon I have to say I kind of wished the hot weather would have departed as well.  Don't get me wrong - it's been great to wear summer clothes in appropriate temperatures, but now......

You Can Ring My Bell (Bottoms)

When I think of bell bottoms my mind immediately fills with images of Farrah Fawcett in a form fitting track jacket a little more than half-zipped up and slightly high-waisted bell bottom denim with cute sneakers peeking out from beneath.  Suddenly a new image pops up with her in a blousy peasant top tucked into the waist of her bell bottoms - I can't see her shoes because the bells cover them perfectly but I sense they are wedges.  Then......

DIY Hair Post - The Bun

Let me begin by saying I'm pretty nervous to do this post.  I've never done one before, I'm flattered that so many of you have asked for it, and I hope these directions display just how easy it is to pull off this twisty bun *that my niece calls "the pom-pom" - love her!!*Please bear in mind that it was 105 degrees outside and 437 degrees in the Chef's bathroom when we took the pictures for this step-by-step on Sunday.  The temperature......

Happiness is....

A heat wave in late September?  Well, since we basically froze this summer in California I would have to say YES!  Last Thursday when the local weather guy said there was "warm weather right around the corner for the weekend" I gave the tv the ol' eye roll and kept on walking.  "Suuuuure there is Dallas Raines," I said right out loud in my own home (where no one else was at the time except two cats who "pretend" not to know what I'm......

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

Anyone who lives a gluten-free life or has a loved one faced with living this lifestyle knows how difficult it can be to find authentically delicious baked goods.  Bread aside, imagine living without home-baked cookies, birthday cakes, brownies or dessert bars?  It can be really tough.  When I was first diagnosed 4 or 5 years ago (it's all a blur) I will never forget hearing my doctor say, "If you have to have a disease, Celiac is......

Leather and Leopard

There are many reasons I have long been referred to as a "free bird" by the people who know me best.  In a nutshell I'm basically a non-conformist (aka all over the place) - especially in the apparel area. What's the term?  Eclectic.  Yes, that's it.  One minute (or hour) I can be looking over a J.Crew catalogue sighing over everything I neeeeeeeed, then two minutes later you'll find me eyes glazed over contemplating the lack......

Mixing It Up: Tucker for Target Part 3

The morning that Tucker for Target was released was a bit of a nightmare (see here).  After finally finding availability at one store I opted to purchase several things knowing that only a few would stay with me and the rest be returned.  It's amazing how items can come together when they're hanging in the closet or splayed across my bed - far from the glaring fluorescent lights and pressure of making a purchase in the store.  Pieces......

Cape May, September, October

This morning I got to enjoy this fall Cape May warbler as it passed through the side yard at Indigo Hill. We get so many more Cape Mays through southeastern Ohio in the fall than we do in the spring. Here it's mid-September and I'm enjoying a nice flock of warblers with the word May in their names.Which prompted an additional thought—and three thoughts is a LOT for me in the morning with just half a cup of coffee down the gullet. That thought was:......

Practicing the Fine Art of Doing Nothing

Let me tell you - doing nothing is not getting enough attention.  It seems to me that everywhere I turn it's go, go, go - and the next thing you  know I'm going, going, gone.  In the past year or so I seem to have been swept away in a flow of activity that hasn't added a single thing to my life.  By the time I do find a second to do something I'd like *read:  Friday night on the town* all that happens is me passed out in......

Apple Pie Ice Cream

Nope that's not apple pie AND ice cream - it's apple pie ice cream!  Woop woop!This summer we were essentially robbed of summer weather in Southern California.  Instead we got sand up our noses at the beach while the wind blew like crazy, Christmas weather at the Fourth of July, and a bunch of overcast days where I wore a coat.  We waited patiently for sunny days while eating all kinds of warm treats sitting by the heating vents. ......
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