Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Tower this is Ghost Rider Requesting a Flyby

Do you ever have moments where you feel caught between the past, present and future?  Lately I'm stuck in the vortex, pulled in all three directions, emotionally exhausted.

Am I doing all I should be?
Have I done all I could?
Is what I'm doing enough to be able to do all I want later?
Wish I had made a different choice. (new territory for me)
Maybe if I had I would be doing more of what I want now...

It can be a torturous thing this thinking thinking thinking.  It's necessary though.  I mean if you're not contemplating your life one day you'll wake up wondering how you got there.  And what if you don't like it?

Oh hell this is really turning into a melancholy one, isn't it?

Blame it on Monday, overcast skies, lack of sleep.  When in Rome.

I managed to haul it out mid-afternoon yesterday.  Just in time to catch 15 minutes of sunshine amidst what's turned out to be a full week of foggy days.  No complaining here.  Tossed on the usual jeans, boots, jacket and t--and then slung my Low Luv Thunderbird necklace on at the last second.

Chef took a few pictures before we hopped in the car and when he passed the camera over we had the quietest exchange.  Me: 'Something about this is very Goose and Maverick.  Man look at my hair.  I need a comb.'  Him: 'Your hair has never looked better.'  Tell me sweet little lies.  More 80's flashbacks.
Tossed up hair, J.Crew Jacket, James Perse Tunic, Martin+Osa Jeans, Mike&Chris Boots, Anthro Sunglasses
Low Luv x Erin Wasson Necklace, Seventh Door Bracelet, Melinda Maria Silver Ring
Worn sparingly.  Company now defunct.  
Um, as I was saying...bird + military green + aviators.  
Mind like a steel trap.