On the Radio

Here's a heads-up for your ears. I'm going to be a guest on the Martha Stewart radio show "Living Today" today at 2:30pm. This show is available for subscribers to Sirius/XM satellite radio, on channel 112. I realize that not everyone subscribes to Sirius/XM but you can sign up for a free three-day Internet trial subscription on their website.I've been on the MSL show several times before, usually being interviewed via the telephone. But last May......

Moment of Zen: Preening on the Beach

Doesn't it feel great when you get everything in the right place after a good preen? This mixed flock of gulls, terns, and shorebirds got into the preening mood as I was watching it one February morning on Sanibel Island, Florida. One moment they were napping, then one bird started preening and its neighbors decided that was a really good idea, so they started preening, too. I captured about 10 seconds of the action on video.In this flock are the following species: laughing gull, ring-billed gull, royal tern, Forster's tern, Sandwich tern, and red knot. I love that the birds kept on preening even......

Mystery Shorebird: Knot or Not?

While spending a morning last week on the beach on Sanibel Island, Florida, I was seeing the usual shorebird suspects: willets, sanderlings, and a few ruddy turnstones. Then a flock of chunky birds dropped in, settling among a resting mixed flock of terns and gulls. My first pre-bins guess was dunlin, but when I got them in my binocs I noticed that they were bigger than dunlin, plumper looking, and lacked the dunlin's longer decurved bills. They......

I Missed a Bird (and I Liked It!)

What IS this bird? Hint: It's NOT a northern harrier.Earlier this week I flew down to Fort Myers, Florida to give a couple of presentations at events associated with Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge. In addition to the fine Florida weather, and some early glimpses at birds we would not see in Ohio for two months, I had one particualr species on my hit list: short-tailed hawk.I have never seen a short-tailed hawk in North America. In fact, it's......
I have been unavoidably away from the Web for the past few days. I was not, however, at lunch.More soon, I promi......

More Snowy Feeder Scenes

Carolina wrens don't do well in winters that have long cold spells and lots of snow and ice."The recent unpleasantness" is how many Southerners would refer to The Civil War in the decades following the war's end. Unpleasant is a word that thoroughly applies to our winter thus far in southeastern Ohio. We've had several tenacious snows, a smattering of ice storms, and enough "snow days" off school to make us feel like we're home schooling our kids.One......

Then Came the Snow

This male bluebird has some scapular feathers that are always out of place. We call him "Shoulders."After the ice storm on January 27, we had a series of snowstorms. Fortunately the cold temperatures meant the snow was light and drifty. A wet and weighty snow would have meant much more damage to trees and more downed powerlines. As it was, the ice had already knocked out our power—we'd be out a total of three days—and canceled a week's worth of school......

Dreams of the Old Oak

Standing alone, exposed, the forest around since carved awaythe lone oak thinks upon its life,two hundred years and this still day when ice and snow have everyone and every creature small and greathunkered down or holed up tightwaiting 'til the weather breaksHow did all this come to pass?On these fields once forest stooda thousand saw teeth cut a swathreducing tree to pile of woodThe soldier coming home againdid shelter from a summer showershivering......

The Ice Storm Cometh

A tree sparrow waits for the feeders to be refilled the morning after our ice storm.On the night of January 27, 2009, southeastern Ohio (and parts of the surrounding states) was blanketed with a horrible ice storm. Freezing rain—not snow—fell, despite temperatures in the low 20's and every single exposed surface was encased in ice.Throughout the night we heard repeated cracking and crashing noises as trees gave way under the weight of the ice. We......

Midwest Birding Symposium

The website for the 2009 Midwest Birding Symposium is now up and running.Why am I telling you this? Here's why:If you want to have as much fun as is humanly possible as a bird watcher (in September, in Ohio, without breaking any laws), we invite you to join us at Lakeside, Ohio next fall.And if you don't mind me making a suggestion, register for your programs, meals, and lodging early, because we're fairly sure this event is going to sell out. As......

White Ibis Sunset

On my final trip around the Black Point Wildlife Drive at Merritt Island NWR near Titusville, Florida, I was standing along the road with a few friends at sunset when a passing bald eagle scared every bird nearby into the air. Nearest us was a flock of white ibis. These birds burst into the air from an impoundment to our east, flapping frantically past us, headed west into the sunset. I tracked them with my camera and took about 25 photos of the......

Photographing Tree Swallows in Flight

Have you ever tried to do something that you knew was next to impossible and yet you could not stop yourself from trying anyway?On my recent sojourn to east-central Florida's Space Coast region, I noticed large flocks of tree swallows foraging on the wing in several different birding spots. I was both bird watching and taking bird photographs, two activities which, in order to be done well, should be mutually exclusive. You can't enjoy birding if......
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