In our county here in southeastern Ohio, we have a wonderful county fair each Labor Day weekend. Among the many things we look forward to seeing there, aside from the funnel cakes, the elephant ears, the corn dogs, the bloomin' onions, the cotton candy, the lemon shakes, the sausage sandwiches, and the bologna sandwiches, is the giant inflatable sheriff's deputy. It's not just a Giant Thing, it's a giant thing that can walk around and gesture to people.

I am certain that the giant inflatable deputy appeals to kids, helping them to see law-enforcement officers as something other than threatening. But I was surprised to see how many fully grown,
otherwise normal adults wanted to have their photos taken with Deputy Blowup. Women especially seemed to like this giant inflatable man in a uniform.

Liam asked me: "Daddy, what does that giant inflatable deputy do?"
"Son, he solves giant inflatable crimes in our community."

It was a hot afternoon at the fair, so the giant inflatable deputy, and his smaller fellow officer, headed off toward the inflatable log cabin nearby, each one casting a long shadow.
I love seeing the giant inflatable deputy. But, you know, when he's gone, I feel just a bit deflated.