Choosing a winner for these caption contests is always tough—there are so many clever entries! This time was even tougher.
First runner-up:
Alan Pulley said...That's Bill Thompson singing background, for those that may not recognize him without his shirt.
And honorable mentions to:

Erik said...His name must be Pooh, he's trying to pick up the honeys.
Erik also said...Which one looks slower? Which one looks slower?
cyberthrush said...Dang, ripped off again... thought I paid to see The Barenaked Ladies perform and only realized after arriving that the ticket said "The Bearnaked Ladies."Northern Goshawker said...With the Grateful Dead no longer touring, the dancing bears have been looking for a good summer jam band and found one in the Rain Crows. Here, Cubby is chillin’ to Cotton Candy Sky.
I could easily pick a winner at random—you all are some funny folks!
I hope you enjoy these little side-trips to goofyland. I know I do! Thanks for playing everyone!