Oh mighty Giant Rifleman
giant gun in giant hands
looking for a giant thrill
from giant varmints you could kill
But sadly you must stay right here
guarding the casino by your rear
And what of those gambling innocents
if you have a bit of flatulence?
I see them screaming, clothes alight
staggering out into the night
a giant fart from giant jeans
caused by giant can of beans
That unhappy look upon your face
makes me think you hate this place
you cannot sit, or run, or dance
or change your giant underpants
O Giant Cowboy, what a life
all alone, no giant wife
wired in place, yet standing tall
the world to you must seem so small.
giant gun in giant hands
looking for a giant thrill
from giant varmints you could kill
But sadly you must stay right here
guarding the casino by your rear
And what of those gambling innocents
if you have a bit of flatulence?
I see them screaming, clothes alight
staggering out into the night
a giant fart from giant jeans
caused by giant can of beans
That unhappy look upon your face
makes me think you hate this place
you cannot sit, or run, or dance
or change your giant underpants
O Giant Cowboy, what a life
all alone, no giant wife
wired in place, yet standing tall
the world to you must seem so small.