Remember This: Eugenia Kim for Target Pt. 2

I'm sitting here eating a Curly Wurly aka gift from heaven (remember the WigWag my Canadian amis?) and thinking about having a cocktail at 1:30 in the afternoon.  You know what that means?  It means it's long weekend time my friends - at least for those of us in the US.  Most of you have probably already long checked out, but here in the West we're only on the verge.Just in time for the sun (she silently dares the weather) here is......

Birding in Guyana Part 4: On the Road to Iwokrama

Channel-billed toucanIn part 3 of my series of posts about birding in Guyana, I promised to show you some of the birds we saw on our six-hour drive along the road from Rock View Lodge to the Iwokrama Forest Reserve and Ecolodge.My mind is back on Guyana for a couple of reasons. First of all there is just so much to share about my trip there. Secondly, the upcoming issue (July/August 2010) of Bird Watcher's Digest features Guyana in our regular travel......


With Memorial Day weekend officially marking the beginning of summer comes the grim reality that it's time to start thinking about the swimsuit.  This time the actual bikini is not what's getting me down (thankfully the painful process of finding a couple happened late in the season last year - she types while wiping sweat from brow), but rather getting myself from home to beach or poolside and everywhere in between suitably clothed.  I'm......

Cara Merawat Cucak Rowo

Burung Cucak Rowo merupakan burung yang mempunyai tempat tersendiri di hati penggemarnya. Ketenarannya tidak pernah pudar. Bagi sebagian masyarakat Indonesia, memelihara burung ini menyangkut status sosial seseorang di dalam masyarakat. Disamping dipelihara sebagai klangenan, burung Cucak Rowo juga sering diturunkan di arena lomba. Suaranya yang sangat keras dan lantang, membuat taste tersendiri didalam menikmati nyanyian burung Cucak Rowo. Memelihara dan merawat burung Cucak......

Shoe Kismet: Miu Miu Satin Sparrow Mary Janes

This weekend while the Chef was watching baseball (curses!) or prepping for our mini-Lost finale extravaganza, here's what I was doing:These have been in my possession for 9 days and I have barely been able to contain myself.  In a pneumonia-like delirium, while on the search for some trinket or another at Crate & Barrel, I asked if we could stop by Miu Miu to see if there had been an act of God and one pair of the Sparrow Mary Janes had......

Weekend Brunch - Vegetable Ceviche and Kumquatinis

Isn't this perfect?  It's Monday and I'm already thinking about what I'm going to eat this weekend.  Niiiice.    A couple of weekends ago the Chef prepared the most amazing brunch.  So in the spirit of the kick-off of Summer just a few short days away I wanted to share with you his recipes for Vegetable Ceviche and Kumquatinis.  May the weather be with us...Vegetable Ceviche INGREDIENTS (makes 2 servings)1        ......

You Can Leave Your Hat On: Eugenia Kim for Target Pt. 1

I've been sick for 6 weeks and I'm basically over it.  I don't mean I'm over it as in getting healthy over it; I mean my patience has worn thin over it.I've been on lockdown in my house all week with the exception of one handbag extravaganza outing Thursday night so after a day of tying up loose ends at work, last night we decided to get out for a little while to get some fresh air.  To say I'm in no mood to mess with the hair is an understatement. ......

Cara Merawat Murai Batu

Burung Murai Batu merupakan salah satu burung berkicau cerdas terbaik (dari keluarga Turdidae) yang sangat banyak penggemarnya. Merawat burung Murai Batu sangat mudah dan menyenangkan. KARAKTER DASAR BURUNG MURAI BATU Mudah beradaptasi, burung ini sangat mudah menyesuaikan diri terhadap perubahan lingkungan. Petarung yang gampang naik ......
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