This is a video Zick and I made showing how we (as crazy people) make our suet dough for bird feeding. It also features cameos by Chet Baker, Boston terrier and by Liam Thompson, creeper. Much of the video footage was shot by Phoebe Linnea Thompson.I hope you like this short how-to video. It felt like we were shooting some weird cooking show for bird watche......
Blue Tights and Fur Coats

One of the great things about visiting Canada is getting a true taste of winter - the people in this country are so lucky to experience the glory of four well-defined seasons (although they might beg to differ when a freak snow storm shows up in May). Remember when I visited in fall and got these great pictures? They're some of my faves even now. Admission: I get homesick every time I look at them.It was tough to stick to......

Hey everyone! I hope you had a wonderful holiday with the special people in your life. I'm still in Canada with my fam having a great time. We're enjoying moderately cool temperatures with just the right amount of snow - not too much, but certainly enough to keep us in the spirit. Christmas was super relaxing and quiet with all my mom's yummy food to top it off. No matter how old I get it's always so nice to come home. ......
Merry Christmas

I hope you're all having a great day wherever you are and however you're celebrating!image via moonlight-pathI posted this before I left, but if I know one thing I'm probably cold (it is Canada in December after all) - but very well fed and surrounded by chocolates and cookies. My faves. Oh and my family, too. heheMerry Christma......
Persimmony Pursuit

When the fall colors paint the woodlands we know that soon the trees will be naked. Perhaps the only redeeming thing about this transition from blazing scarlets, oranges, and yellows to bare leafless branches is that it reveals a delicious fruit treat known well to woodland sprites and observant humans: the persimmon.Phoebe, Liam, and Chet on our persimmon quest.Off we go to the site of last year's best persimmon tree, out at the end of the meadow.......
Packing It In

I'm bummed out that I didn't have the opportunity to come around today and wish each of you a great Christmas/Holiday. On top of torrential rain and a small earthquake, Chef's kitty sprained her leg and had to go to the vet causing upset upon upset for us. Thankfully she is okay, but we discovered she is 14 years old instead of 4 like we thought so it was a pretty sobering visit. She's super small and we found her on the street......
Jual Kopi Luwak Liar Lereng Gunung

Kopi Luwak adalah seduhan kopi menggunakan biji kopi yang diambil dari sisa kotoran luwak/musang. Biji kopi ini diyakini memiliki rasa yang berbeda setelah dimakan dan melewati saluran pencernaan luwak. Kemasyhuran kopi ini di kawasan Asia Tenggara telah lama diketahui, namun baru menjadi terkenal luas di peminat kopi gourmet setelah publikasi pada tahun 1980-an. Biji kopi luwak adalah yang termahal di dunia, mencapai USD100 per 450 gram.Asal mula......
Glassybaby (to the rescue)

The other day I was talking with a friend of mine expressing angst over hard-to-come-up-with last minute gift ideas. I really like giving gifts with meaning and, having left things to the last minute this year (never again), was melting under the pressure. Her voice lit up as she described Glassybaby - a product that I think is going to become one of my fave gifts to give and receive (Santa?, Santa?) bffGlassybaby was founded by Lee Rhodes......
Raining Cats and Dogs

It's a hot mess in Southern California right now folks. We've had rain for 4 days straight and there's no end in sight. Yesterday we were supposed to get between 5 and 10 inches and I wouldn't be one bit surprised if it was more. People are either driving like maniacs or grannies - both techniques causing mad collisions: approximately 264 on Saturday alone. Drains are flooding, urban campers are fighting in the alleys......
eBWD: An Award and Video Guide

A screen-shot showing the new issue of eBWD. Click to watch a video!This just in! Well, OK, it happened back around Halloween...The digital edition of Bird Watcher's Digest (the magazine for which I humbly work as editor) has been awarded a Silver Award from the 2010 Digital Magazine Awards! Everyone here at the offices of BWD is buzzing with excitement over this award, so I just had to share it here on BOTB.We've produced six issues of eBWD thus......
O Christmas Tree

Welp with less than a week left until Christmas I have finally finished the tree. I've never had quite as much of a debacle as this year proved to be...we've had the tree for at least 2 weeks and holy mother of pearl I thought the thing was trying to take me down. First I had to visit 17 stores for lights after most of the ones from last year decided they were no longer in working order and store after store was sold out. Then I opened......
Melinda Maria Promo Code: 30% Off Everything

Okay girls I'm back after a brief respite - during which time the tree got 90% decorated and I managed to successfully purchase a handful of gifts. How are all of you holding up? Please tell me I'm not alone doing the last minute hustle.Just in time for all of us who are still seeking that perfect something special for our best girlfriend, mom or sis (or, ahem, ourselves) Melinda Maria Jewelry is offering readers of this free bird a 30%......
What to Give/What to Get

For the past few weeks I've been reading the wonderful gift guides on so many of your blogs and discovering so many treasures. Yet because of work and life and chaos, there seems to have been little time to really sit down and think about what to give my family and friends. This week reality has set in that I have next to no time left - and suffice it to say panic is in the house. Usually my Christmas/Holiday shopping is complete......