Sunday Brunch

When I left off on Friday I was up to my eyeballs in birthday preparations for the Chef, not exactly sure how it would all be accomplished.  Thankfully dinner that night went off without a hitch (roasted chicken - one of his faves) and a new brownie recipe will make it's debut this week - all I can say is start fasting now.  Whew!It's been a relaxing, but cold weekend here in Southern California.  When the Chef and I rolled out of......

TGIF for reals

You may be saying to yourself, "what is that woman doing with wings and beer on her blog?"  The Chef's birthday is coming up next week and this is what he asked for.  Actually he also asked for Domino's pizza and several other crazy food items reminding me of more reasons I appreciate this person.  He's super talented at fancy shmancy food, but by no means a food snob - meaning Del Taco remains in our top five places at 2am.  Can......

Cara Merawat Tledekan

Burung Tledekan adalah salah satu burung petarung sebagaimana juga burung Murai Batu dan burung Kacer. Sifat tarungnya muncul seiring dengan bertambahnya umur dan tingkat birahi. Burung Tledekan sama seperti burung-burung petarung lainnya yang memiliki daerah teritorial. Suaranya yang enak didengar membuat para penggemarnya tidak mudah pindah ke lain hati. Perawatan burung Tledekan sangat mudah dan menyenangkan. KARAKTER DASAR BURUNG TLEDEKAN Mudah beradaptasi, burung ini sangat mudah menyesuaikan diri terhadap perubahan lingkungan. ......

Dead In My Tracks Thursday

I do believe that's a cat on her headThank you Anna SuiI thought Wednesday was supposed to be the easy day - the one where we go over the hump and down the hill to the weekend.  Well here's the bird to this week's Wednesday!  It sucked big time.  Phone rings at 7am when I don't have to be up until 8:30.  Bad sign.Wake up to find it's bloody freezing in the house yet again. Go to quickly wash some dishes and I'm out of dish......

Cara Merawat Anis Merah

Burung Anis Merah adalah salah satu burung primadona yang sangat banyak penggemarnya. Merawat burung Anis Merah sebenarnya cukup mudah, apabila kita telah mengetahui dan memahami karakter-karakter dasar dari burung tersebut. KARAKTER DASAR BURUNG ANIS MERAH Sangat sensitif dan butuh waktu untuk dapat beradaptasi terhadap perubahan. Perlakuan yang kasar, perubahan ornamen pada kandang dan perubahan suasana lingkungan yang drastis,......

Welcome Home Isabel

I know you're all probably thinking I scored the Red Poppy Pumps from last week's post.  Alas they still evade me, but I am tracking down a couple leads.  They don't call me Inspector Shoeseau for nothing (remember that one?).  In the meantime, however, I must reveal how it is that I reapproached the search with new vigor.  About a month ago, after once again professing my undying love for Isabel Marant's designs, I received an......

Catching the Crazy

We got a late start on Sunday, but decided to head over to the local flea market to take a quick peek anyway.  Suffice it to say a couple days of pouring rain held crowds at bay, but there remained some interesting cats to see (did you catch Sunday's post?) as well as a lot of really cool finds in amongst the junk.  I'm sorry, but I have to call a spade a spade.  I mean is anyone really interested in a 25 year old faded out plastic......

First Robin of Spring!

I am pleased to report that on my recent birding adventure to the north country, I encountered The First Robin of Spring! Clearly these early returnees to the wintry parts of the species' range are made of different stuff than your normal, everyday robins.I've written here before about TFROS. I wonder if they subsist on iceworms during spells of inclement weath......

SoCal Street Style

Today while perusing the local Flea Market I spotted, quite possibly, the most chicly dressed man examining antique telephones with his girlfriend.I was so happy he was kind enough to let me take his picture.Gah!  I don't know where to begin - the amazing color of the sweater, the silhouette of the pants, the hat, the glasses, the socks, the's all of it.  Perfecti......


Harga 50.000,-Komposisi:Multivitamin KomplekKegunaan:Star vit mengandung multivitamin kompleks yang dibutuhkan oleh burung/unggas untuk pertumbuhan, daya tahan, reproduksi, meningkatkan nafsu makan dan lain-lain.Star Vit membantu pertumbuhan normal dan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dari perubahan cuaca, wabah penyakit, stress perjalanan.Star Vit mengandung vitamin A agar mata tidak terserang katarak, mengandung vit D3 untuk pertumbuhan tulang.Star......

Khasiat Trimezyn-B (plus)

Trimezyn - B (Plus) adalah obat anti infeksi dengan bentuk kaplet yang berwarna merah muda untuk mengobati infeksi saluran pernafasan dan pencernaan pada burung kecil maupun besar. Kombinasi 2 zat aktif pada trimezyn - B (Plus) bekerja secara synergis ( saling menguatkan )untuk menghambat sintesa ( pembentukan ) protein bakteri sehingga bakteri tidak dapat berkembang dan burung menjadi cepat sembuh. Vitamin C yang terkandung dalam trimezyn-B (Plus)......

Coming Up Neutral

With spring around the corner - or at times it feels like 10 corners thanks to rain appearing yet again tonight - I find myself thinking about what's to come and how to freshen up my closet.  Does anyone else feel like heaving a bunch out and starting new? There is something about this time of year where days seem to drag by holding the next season just out of reach.  Spring?  I'll sure be glad when you get here.Life would be so easy......
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