Girl on the Go: Part Deux

*If blogger calves out on me this time prepare for mass exodus from the blog world:  party of Carrie.*Despite having only one tiny project left on my desk, I still seem to have more things to do in a day than time allows for.  How is this possible? (ahem, naps) Yesterday morning the Chef and I were going over some odds and ends when suddenly we looked at the clock and realized we had somewhere to be in under an hour.  Two words:......

Eight Dollar Pants

What can I tell you?  It's Sunday night as I type this and my wrist is feeling slightly better.  In fact it's already seizing up and I'm only on sentence number two.  So much for that idea.  Pardon me while I pull myself together for a quick weekend rundown:  slept for hours with windows open and a light breeze blowing, ate pint after pint of raspberries, threw a few more things in the closet purge pile, watched waaaaaaay......

TANAMAN HIAS Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia yang tumbuh dengan baik dapat mencapai ketinggian hingga 5 kaki. Tanaman ini tidak tahan dengan suhu udara yan berfluktuasi. Ukurannya yang cukup besar dengan dekorasi daunnya yang indah membuat tanaman ini menjadi favorit. Tanaman yang berukuran besar, biasa digunakan sebagai specimen. Dalam melakukan pemangkasan atau pun perbanyakan dengan tanaman ini harus dilakukan dengan hati-hati, karena tanaman ini membahayakan tenggorokan......

Syarat-syarat untuk menjadi peternak handal

BakatSetiap orang pasti mempunyai bakat yang berbeda. Ada orang yang punya bakat bertani, beternak, berdagang, menulis, melukis dan lain sebagainya. Bakat atau minat sangat dibutuhkan dalam menekuni suatu bidang pekerjaan terutama dunia ternak. Mengapa? Karena yang diurusi bukanlah jasa atau barang mati melainkan benda hidup yang mudah stress dan lainnya. Dengan modal bakat akan membuat seseorang lebih ulet dan sabar dengan bidang pekerjaan yang ditekuninya.Dukungan keluarga dan masyarakatSangat diperlukan dukungan baik dari pihak keluarga atau masyarakat sekitar. Karena beternak akan menimbulkan......

Sharp Realizations

~image via serena and lily~I'm having a serious moment here at the bird.  Okay I'm having several.My parents are big believers in alternative medicine.  It's not that they won't go to the doctor or hospital, but in terms of daily living they are definitely vitamin takers and proponents of overall wellness that comes from non-traditional methods.  When I was in my early twenties I finally allowed them to convince me to see an iridologist.......

Bagaimana Cara Beternak Kelinci Berorientasi Bisnis

Potensi dan tujuan beternak kelinci :Penghasil daging, bisa sebagai alternatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi bagi keluarga. Di antara jenis kelinci penghasi daging adalah : Vlaams, New Zealand, White England dllPenghasil anakan atau bibit, ditujukan untuk mendapatkan ternak pengganti (replacement stock) dan juga ternak hias. Jenis kelinci yang banyak diminati untuk ternak hias antara lain : angora, lion, dan rex totolPenghasil bulu dan bahan industri,......

Ow Ow Ow Ow Red Pants Ow Ow Ow

To be clear I'm ow'ing over my freaking carpal tunnel'd right wrist.  It's gotten so bad that at one point today my hand and arm were numb from fingertips to part way up my shoulder.  I'm trying not to whine, but I don't think I'm being very successful.  SighIt hurrrrrrts like a biznatch.That being said I have to cut this mother short so I can work today which, coincidentally, involves mad amounts of typing at times.  How can......

The Bachelorette: What the Hell Was That?

I'm sitting here dumbfounded.  I honestly don't know what I'm going to write. Ashley's a duh  head.  Okay there's a start.  Pull up a chair and let's discuss. Other immediate thoughts:1. Every one of them is too good for her.2. Have all these guys been on the past couple weeks??  I swear there are 3 I've never seen before.3. My mind is numb.4. Ashley deserves Bentley.5. Who even PUT a pair of pink shorts in that boxing layout??6.......

New Day/New Way

It's become increasingly obvious that if I want to get any outfit pictures done for this blog I'm going to have to be prepared at all times.  That's like telling a 4 year old on a roadtrip to 'hold it' until the next rest stop.  Uh, yeah--probably not going to happen so have to plan in advance for accidents.  There I was on Saturday morning fresh off a night of Dateline, 20/20 and Nancy Grace Casey Anthony updates...sheer bliss.  The......

An Appalachian Sandhill Crane

We get a lot of telephone calls about birds at Bird Watcher's Digest, as you might expect. People call in with all kinds of questions (I found a baby bird, what do I DO? There's a weird bird at my feeder! What is it? How do I attract more Kirtland's warblers to my bird feeder? What are the Baltimore Orioles going to do about their horrible relief pitching?).And we get lots of calls with bird sightings. Some of these calls are about birds returning......

Pink Pants and My Wrist Fell Off

I've been quiet on the blogger front this week for a couple reasons:  the Chef opened his restaurant and it's been a bit of a crazy (yet exciting) time, and I have the worst case of carpal tunnel ever.  That bachelorette recap took so much wind out of the ol' wrist I was actually feeling a little sick after typing it up--and not from the show itself.  Or wait a second...Anyway, thanks for bearing with me.  As coincidence would......

The Bachelorette: Intuition is Dead

Oh, and I'm a hypocrite.  A hypocrite who almost cut her finger off in the shower and has now come to realize the value of the pinky finger, but a hypocrite nonetheless.  I swore that ABC wouldn't get the better of me, but the Chef's back at work and when the bachelorette (can't even be bothered to capitalize it) trainwreck came a callin' I caved *hangs head*.  Even worse?  I dvr'd that mother to watch Tuesday night.......

Where Are the Police When You Need Them?

The blog's gone off the tracks people.  I was all set to confess my sins of watching the Bachelorette again tonight when all hell broke loose.I'll get to the recap later today, but have to take a rabbit trail for a moment to tell you about the mayhem that occurred outside my house last night.  I know what you're thinking, "Oh lawdy not the neighbors again".  Oh no.  Not the ones downstairs and not the metal heads, but this time......
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