Look at your calendar right now and check the third weekend in September, 2011. Specifically, look at September 15 through 18. How's it look? Clear? Then grab a pen (not a pencil) and write the following in LARGE BLOCK LETTERS over those dates: MIDWEST BIRDING SYMPOSIUM.
Here are ten reason why you really need to attend this year's MBS.
10. The MBS only happens every other year, so it's always freshy-fresh, never stale.
9. We work really hard to make sure that it's The World's Friendliest Birding Event—everyone is welcome, even non-birders! Beginners, especially, are encouraged to come.
8. We love making connections between bird watchers. Since the 2009 MBS more than 275 marriages have happened as a result of the event. [Not really, but that sounds impressive doesn't it?] Seriously though, everyone makes new friends at the MBS. We guarantee it! If you attend and leave without making at least one new friend, we'll refund your money (please see Reason #1 below).

7. We've arranged for another appearance by a Kirtland's warbler. You can see a photo of the Kirtland's that joined us in 2009 here. If the Kirtland's does not make the scene, we've got an Eskimo curlew flock on speed dial.
6. Our list of speakers is bodacious. Al Batt (one of Saturday evening's keynote speakers) will make you laugh until you cry/snort/beg for mercy/race to the restroom.

5. Three words: Sunset Boat Cruise! Plus other exciting extra activities.
4. Our Birder's Marketplace features more than 60 vendors, selling everything a bird watcher could possibly want. And then some.
3. Our Conservation Raffle will raise funds for bird habitat acquisition and other worthy conservation causes. The Ohio Ornithological Society has promised to match this funding, up to $10,000! Wow! Items in the raffle include high-end optics, an iPad, birding festival passes, and [yes, it's true!] an autographed photo of actress/activist/birder Betty White!
2. Being on Lake Erie, on the charming grounds of Lakeside in September is incredibly beautiful —just like being in Tuscany, but with better birding and no language barrier.
1. It only costs $100 to attend the Midwest Birding Symposium. Your last speeding ticket or dinner out was more expensive and less enjoyable. Don't fight the urge. Come join us!