Nice Day for a Beach Wedding

Throwback to Billy Idol there (for those of us who remember who he is...ahhh youth).On Saturday the Chef and I attended the wedding of one of my best friends.  We have seen each other through a lot the past 5 years, so to see her so happy is truly a joyous thing...and boy did she look gorgeous.  I teared up!  Now even though no one's looking at anyone other than the bride on the big day, far be it from me to muddy up her pictures with......

White Denim in Winter Challenge

In late September I came across one of Jennine's posts on Eat, Sleep, Denim about wearing White Denim after Labor Day.  I'm always interested to hear and see what Jennine has to say on a subject and was so relieved to hear that she is down with white denim post the long weekend in September.  Who came up with that rule anyway?I'd been meaning to do a post on it even prior to hearing her thoughts, but somehow haven't accomplished it yet......

Pile It On

I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel, and I don't mean the light leading to the afterlife.  Thanks so much for all of your well wishes - my throat's still a bit on fire, but my head no longer feels like jagged edges are being poked into it.  Isn't that special?  Yesterday I even managed to sit up on the couch for more than an hour and carried on cohesive conversation.  Things are looking up!While off lying about in couch......

Winner of the Minnetonka Giveaway!

image via weheartitThe winner of the Minnetonka giveaway with Langston's Western Wear is Moosette!  Congratulations and I'm sorry I don't know your real name.  I'll email you with the details so you can claim your boots or shoes!! Thanks so much to everyone who entered. If I hear of any other Langston's giveaways I'll most def let you kn......

Notes From the Edge of the Couch

I spent yesterday sicker than sick in a semi-conscious state .  Confession:  I've been on the couch beneath the heaviest faux fur blanket for over 24 hours - only lifting my head to wander down the hall, take a shower, and gather tea and dark chocolate for sustenance.  It is a sad state of affairs this being sick as an adult thing.  It's at times like these - in the sheer, guiltless moments of just being -......
Menjual Berbagai Burung Berkicau dan Ayam Hias Hubungi:Joni 03317836101081336660132 Perum Pondok Gede Permai JemberUntuk Kepuasan Anda Sebaiknya Datang Langsung Ke Tempat Kami(karena stok tidak selalu ada mohon telepon terlebih dahulu sebelum data......


It appears as though cavorting around in summer clothing in January has come 'round to bite me in the rear end.  My throat hurts, the skin on the left side of my face has sharp little pains shooting through it, and I actually quietly cried while driving home from class last night.  It was the last part that sealed the deal...although my cravings for dark chocolate and orange slices should have given it away earlier in the day (happens every......

Kismet at Kumul

My first image of the Kumul Lodge grounds, shot with flash.Sometimes you take a photograph and think it's nothing special, only to discover later that you captured something surprising in it. On my trip last September to Papua New Guinea I had a bit of photographic serendipity one evening, though it would be weeks before I'd realize it.Our group was staying at Kumul Lodge near Mt.Hagen, a very rustic destination famous among birders for its amazing......

Cast A Net

The Santa Ana winds are blowing and the weekend was sunny and warm, but somehow I just couldn't seem to get off the couch.  I guess days of sheer nothing are sometimes in order.  Thankfully Sunday remained bright and cheery, so I threw on a fave wide knit sweater over a simple tank dress to take in some rays (before returning back home to watch the first Sex and the City movie again).  The air is still a little brisk, but with a knee......

Spesialis Jual Cucak Hijau dan Ayam Hias

Spesialis Menjual Cucak Hijau Stok Banyak Mulai dari bakalan sampai yang gacor Silahkan Datang Langsung Ke Tempat KamiHub: Joni 03317836101081336660132Perum Pondok Gede Permai Blok DE- 01 JemberJual Ayam Batik Itali, Ayam Bekisar, Ayam Ketawa Dan Ayam HiasAyam SeramaAyam Jambul PolandiaAyam KetawaAyam BekisarAyam Batik ItaliHub: Joni 0331-524 4443 Perum Pondok Gede Permai Blok DE - 01 Jem......

From the Friday Front

Late post today, friends.  Yesterday was mayhem on the work and throbbing ankle front, so last night involved maximum amounts of doing nothing - something that is highly underrated.  I hope to do copious amounts of the same this weekend.  How about you?Cut to this afternoon and you'll find me sitting in my office wearing one purple velvet Dany shoe:true love on the healthy ankled footStaring idly at the remainder of the sour candies......

Revisiting the Past

Yesterday I walked into the bathroom, washed my face, turned around, walked out and mid-stride lost feeling in my left foot and eventually up my leg.  Yes dear friends - somehow in the comfort and safety of my own home, AND in bare feet, I twisted my ankle standing in the bathroom.  *shakes head as face turns red*Of course this led to me taking an Advil (two and I'm down for the count aka lightweight), and then having to put my foot up......

Carol Ann Reach for the Fringe (Minnetonka Giveaway)

My head is spinning with hilarious possibilities on how to word this post.  For some reason when we took the pictures I kept seeing myself flying off on a broom like Harry Potter (don't ask me why - I think it's the hat).  Then I spotted a neighbor's house with a castle type peaked roof and tried to get the pictures to turn out like I was sitting on the roof.  No dice. Shucks.I guess I'll just have to settle for what it is - me trying......

And the Winner is....

image via we heart itThe winner of the $85 CSN Gift Code is Laura from just a girl and her stuff.Congrats Laura - I'll be sending you an email with the details!And thanks to everyone who entere......

Magic Pants

Last week I was waxing on over twitter regarding my search for the perfect pair of high-waisted jeans to add to the closet for summer's upcoming return-to-70's style extravaganza.  Coming in for the rescue was Nikki pronouncing her love for Gap's new trouser jeans...and mentioning the high-waist alternative.  Cut to Thursday and there I was, mid-afternoon, dancing with glee in the fitting room of my neighborhood Gap store - adorned in their......
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