The Mint Green Jumper

~My Family Circa the 70's~In the midst of all the moving/not moving/moving/not moving drama that's taken place this week I found an envelope from my mom containing some pictures from my childhood.  In this one we were about to go to my cousin's wedding where I was to perform my flower girl duties.  I remember two distinct things about that day:  I hated my hair (which coincidentally I fought desperately to replicate in my early 20's)......

Kategori Ayam Serama

Orang selalu memperkatakan tentang AYAM SERAMA ini berpandukan kepada kategori seperti SERAMA “A” , “B” maupun “C”. Ramai yang terkeliru dan ini banyak diambil kesempatan oleh para penjual SERAMA yang tidak AMANAH yang mengakui bahawa AYAM SERAMA yang mereka jual adalah dari kategori terbaik samada SERAMA “A” atau “B”. Sebenarnya kategori SERAMA “A”, “B” mahupun “Z” sekalipun bukanlah satu kaedah yang tepat untuk mendefinasikan......

Aksi meraih simpati juri

Selain tongkronganya yang keren, nilai yang tinggi akan diberikan oleh seorang juri pada seekor peserta yang pinter bergaya diatas catwalk karpet hijau. Bahkan tak jarang pemlik Best In Show justru didasarkan pada kemampuan bergaya diatas catwalk karpet hijau.Karena itu sejumlah pesona gaya dilatih secara khusus oleh seramania agar peragawan dan peragawatinya bisa bergaya luar biasa pada saat kontes.Dari sejumlah action dan pose itu, yang paling......

Ayam serama, kecil tapi proporsional

Kehadiran serama berbobot ringan merupakan langkah maju dalam perkembangan serama sejak tahun 1980-an. Bertambah kecil bukan berarti cebol, tetapi tetap proporsional. Penampilan serama super A tetap gagah dengan dada membusung bak kessatria. Dengan tubuh kecil dan ekor lawi mencuat, penampilan ayam liliput ini mempesona.Menurut mr.choi, generasi baru serama itu merupakan silangan serama pilihan. Jantanya berasal dari sri selangor dan......

Bankable Lifers?

Indian hill mynaOn a recent quick trip to South Florida, I was shown two new, but currently uncountable, life birds. The Indian hill myna, and the chestnut-fronted macaw are established exotics here in SoFla. We saw them nesting and making babies, so we know they are establishing their North American populations, however neither species is currently on the North American Bird List as an accepted, countable species.Chestnut-fronted macaw.So I am tucking......

Working It Out In Prints

Guess what?  My landlord is on my last nerve.  He danced all over that mother on Saturday causing me to seriously consider if I even want to live at Chez Carrie anymore - a place that has been my home for almost 6 years.  Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, shred, shred, shred.  I'm trying to calm my nerves and clear my mind in order to make a decision, but it seems that's easier said than done.  It's been a long time since I......

Ayam serama super A dan ayam serama B

Seiring berjalanya waktu, banyak persilangan-persilangan dari dari tetua serama itu menelurkan serama berbobot 300 gram dengan tinggi 18 cm. Salah satu penyilang yang mendapatkan serama baru itu adalah The Leong Toh alias Mr. Chooi di penang malaysia. Oleh Mr. Chooi serama berbobot 300 gram atau setara 3 butir apel itu dipanggil sebagai serama super A.Sebenarnya serama super A merupakan generasi ketiga fari penyilangan Mr. Chooi. Perbedaan......

Ternak ayam serama, cukup 3 betina buat 1 pejantan

Kecepatan capital turn over (CTO) dalam beternak ayam serama dimungkinkan karena relatif cepatnya periode bertelur ayam serama. Selain itu kecepatan produksi juga diperkuat dengan kemungkinan satu pejantan yang bisa berpoligami dengan tiga betina sekaligus.Satu pejantan dengan 3 betina itu ditempatkan dalam satu petak kandang yang tidak terlalu luas, lebar berkisar 60 cm, panjang sekitar 1,5 m dan tinggi berkisar 75 cm. Dalam kandang......

New Beginnings

Isn't it interesting how on Monday morning Friday seems so far away?  On Tuesday it's almost even worse.  Yet here we are at Friday and I caught myself thinking, "bugger only 3 more days and it's Monday again."  I'm really trying to change that mentality and be content in the moment, whatever the day is and whatever I'm facing, including Jillian Michaels and her 30 Day Shred.  Day 3 down only 27 more to go. *hobble hobble*It seems......

Peregrine Nation

Once upon a time, when a bird watcher flipped through the raptor pages of his or her field guide, the image of the peregrine falcon probably engendered wistful and wishful feelings. Despite the fact that the peregrine is one of the most widely distributed raptors worldwide, in North America it has been an endangered species for as long as most of can remember. This was due to the lingering effects of DDT and other chemical toxins in the food chain,......

Stopped In My Tracks

For some reason I'm having a tough time saying 'dead in my tracks' lately.  It's the d word I just can't stomach.  So instead I'm switching it up to what's above.  Same thing, no d and I'm rambling again.  Blame it on Jillian Michaels and her 30 Day Shred.  I've successfully completed Day 2 having acquired a slight hobble due to burning thighs.  No pain no gain suckers.  That's what I tell them when they threaten......

Ace Hotel

When the Chef and I took my parents to visit their friends in Palm Springs last weekend we were lucky enough to stay at the Ace Hotel.  It is no easy feat to find a vacancy out there at this time of year, so we were pretty happy about it to say the least.  To top it off it's a hotel we've been eyeballing for about a year so it was the perfect time to check it out. Now I by no means consider myself a hipster.  Somehow I feel as though......

Jump on the Shred Mill

It happened so fast I'm not even exactly sure how it went down.  Monday was barreling by:  I finished up an email to a colleague, started packing up for class, glanced at twitter and saw Katie mention she'd started the 30 Day Shred.  The next thing I knew Monday must have run off with my sanity because I offered to partner with her for the sake of motivation aka whining.  Cut to twitter scene and there are 5 of us in the game......

Take Me To A Desert Place

This weekend was filled with wind, rain, wind and more rain mixed with the occasional pounding of hail.  It's hard to believe that only one week ago I was in Palm Springs (yes I'm still harping on that) enjoying 86 degrees well into the evening.  In order to avoid slipping into a major depression due to gloomy weather, broken heater, and derelict landlord I basked in the glow of photos from last weekend when I wore a maxi skirt I recently......


Ikan jenis air tawar terdiri dari ikan yang sangat mudah dipelihara dan diperbanyak. Pemeliharaan ini dapat memberi keuntungan kepada petani ikan. semula jenis-jenis ikan ini liar tetapi kemudian dapat dijinakkan setelah diketahui sifat sifat serta keadaan lingkungan hidup yang dikehendaki. Diantara jenis-jenis yang telah dapat dijinakkan itu antara lain :IKAN MUJAIR (Tilapia Mosambica) Ikan mujair dapat dipelihara dengan mudah, Ikan ini dapat hidup di air tawar dan di air payau. Berkembang biaknya dapat dikatakan cepat. Akan tetapi kurang baik dipelihara dicampurkan dengan jenis......

Spring is a Teasing Vixen

I found further proof, thanks to today's balmy weather, that writing about birds is much easier when you can write with the windows open, bird song floating in on the gentle breeze. Spring!However there is this caveat: Spring in mid-March (at least here in southeastern Ohio) is a teasing vixen. She'll let you glimpse her rapturous beauty and catch a whiff of her sweet perfume, but reach out for her expectantly and she'll slap your face with three......
Menjual :  Ayam Hias Burung Berkicau  Lain-l......

For Japan With Love

This week has gone by in a slow flowing daze.  The disaster in Japan has been at the forefront of my mind all day every day no matter what I'm doing.  If I stop for just a second the images are right there, and I can't help thinking about what the Japanese people are going through and how badly they need our help.  This could happen to any of us living on the coast.  Tomorrow I've decided to pitch in with many others in the blogosphere......

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