Working at home is great and I wouldn't trade it for anything, but disconnecting can be tough. In my regular day-to-day there's not usually much time to just be. Do you know what I mean? Sometimes I'll be going, going, going and I think to myself, "Hmmm I wonder what it's like to have the time to watch tv or read a book in the middle of the day?" This week I let myself do both those things and more, and it was awesome. No matter how many times someone tried to suck me into work I just didn't let myself do it. With the exception of a few calls I managed to let myself experience being relaxed at home with no set agenda. Do you know how terrific it is to just sit down in the early afternoon and randomly watch, say, Paper Heart? I sure hope you do. It's as good as a vacation!
So anyway, along the way I managed to get into my closets and set some items aside for a blog sale but instead of doing that post today decided to hold out until next week. William and Kate spent yesterday in Calgary, Alberta which is very close to where I grew up and where my brother and his family live today. I'm so bummed that I'm not at home to see all the coverage of their visit. Look at these wonderful pictures of the two of them upon arrival being greeted by a little girl battling cancer--they made her wish come true through the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I've got to confess: I cried a little -- you can't fake genuine kindness and these two are chock full of it. See the full story here.

I guess I'm feeling a bit homesick today. Okay quite a bit homesick. I've got to stop watching Anne of Green Gables so much.
But at least the weekend is here and you know what that means, right? Two more days of doing nothing much. I don't know about you, but I'm totally ready to get busy doing nothing. I have Big Brother on dvr and it's rarin' to go. Woot! Have a great weekend everyone!
Pictures c/o: National Post, Just Jared and the Toronto Sun