Angry Birds

The new Nature's Classroom facility at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge.I was down in the Florida panhandle a while ago, helping to open a wonderful new building at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge called "Nature's Classroom." This facility will serve as a resource for area residents, teachers, students, birders, photographers, and nature enthusiasts, giving them a place to meet, learn, explore, and a base from which to enjoy St. Marks NWR.Some......

Angry Birds

The new Nature's Classroom facility at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge.I was down in the Florida panhandle a while ago, helping to open a wonderful new building at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge called "Nature's Classroom." This facility will serve as a resource for area residents, teachers, students, birders, photographers, and nature enthusiasts, giving them a place to meet, learn, explore, and a base from which to enjoy St. Marks NWR.Some......

The Hair Chronicles

Friends I would like to formally announce 'Victory on the Hair Front'. Yesterday I woke up with a crick in my neck (truth be told I had one before I went to bed and was so wound up I could barely turn to the right, but panic attacks aside...) feeling like it was the day of a big exam.  Thankfully I'm way out of University, but clearly my body remembers the terror/exhilaration just as though it was yesterday.  My appointment was for 1pm.......

The Hair Chronicles

Friends I would like to formally announce 'Victory on the Hair Front'. Yesterday I woke up with a crick in my neck (truth be told I had one before I went to bed and was so wound up I could barely turn to the right, but panic attacks aside...) feeling like it was the day of a big exam.  Thankfully I'm way out of University, but clearly my body remembers the terror/exhilaration just as though it was yesterday.  My appointment was for 1pm.......

Birds & People at MBS 2011

I want to share some images with you from the 2011 Midwest Birding Symposium held September 15 to 18 at Lakeside, Ohio. If you were there, you know we had a really great time. If you weren't there, I hope these images will give you some idea of what the MBS is all about. I'll be posting about the MBS a few times in the coming weeks, but for this initial post, let's just take a gander at some of the birds and people. The image above is a male American......

Birds & People at MBS 2011

I want to share some images with you from the 2011 Midwest Birding Symposium held September 15 to 18 at Lakeside, Ohio. If you were there, you know we had a really great time. If you weren't there, I hope these images will give you some idea of what the MBS is all about. I'll be posting about the MBS a few times in the coming weeks, but for this initial post, let's just take a gander at some of the birds and people. The image above is a male American......

Twists and Turns--Hair and Otherwise

Remember last week when I was going on about work projects and eating cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner due to busy schedule?  Well what a difference a week makes.  Suddenly it's dead in the water, deadlines having been met, and now there's an uneasy stillness in the air that has resulted in me spending far too much time perusing the internets obsessing over hairdos.  More specifically I've been freaking out about the impending......

Twists and Turns--Hair and Otherwise

Remember last week when I was going on about work projects and eating cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner due to busy schedule?  Well what a difference a week makes.  Suddenly it's dead in the water, deadlines having been met, and now there's an uneasy stillness in the air that has resulted in me spending far too much time perusing the internets obsessing over hairdos.  More specifically I've been freaking out about the impending......

Tips Perawatan Rutin Ikan Arowana:

Perawatan Rutin Arowana:Pemeliharaan Air:Cek kebersihan media filter, meliputi tapas, biofoam, zeolit, karbon aktifGanti air ¼ dengan air baru yg telah diendapkan dan di aerasi (pemberian gelembung)Buang kotoran ikan/feces dari akuariumBuang sisa pakan ikan yg tidak termakan dari akuariumLakukan pengecekan secara berkala suhu air akuarium dengan suhu air di tempat penampungan.Berikan aerasi/gelembung udara yg cukup pada tempat penampungan airSelalu bersihkan kaca akuarium sehingga tidak berkerak dan berlumutPeriksa secara berkala semua peralatan akuarium apakah masih dapat berfungsi dengan......

Tips Perawatan Rutin Ikan Arowana:

Perawatan Rutin Arowana:Pemeliharaan Air:Cek kebersihan media filter, meliputi tapas, biofoam, zeolit, karbon aktifGanti air ¼ dengan air baru yg telah diendapkan dan di aerasi (pemberian gelembung)Buang kotoran ikan/feces dari akuariumBuang sisa pakan ikan yg tidak termakan dari akuariumLakukan pengecekan secara berkala suhu air akuarium dengan suhu air di tempat penampungan.Berikan aerasi/gelembung udara yg cukup pada tempat penampungan airSelalu bersihkan kaca akuarium sehingga tidak berkerak dan berlumutPeriksa secara berkala semua peralatan akuarium apakah masih dapat berfungsi dengan......
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