Encountering the Warrior

Warrior, of the Huli people in Papua New Guinea.On an afternoon trip from Ambua Lodge to a nearby roost site of a sooty owl, our birding group got its first encounter with a member of the local Huli people. The roost site was in a cavity in a tall eucalyptus-like tree in the middle of some hand-planted crop fields.I wish I had photos of our initial moments with the man I came to know simply as Warrior. He was a Huli wigman who appeared in the middle......

Hand in (Fur) Pocket

With Black Friday and Saturday having gone by, it was time to face reality:  there remained less than a quarter of a roll of toilet paper, zero razors and my deodorant was dangerously low meaning I'd have to leave the house (curses for not planning ahead). Of course that entails combing one's hair and, in the spirit of 45 degrees, donning something warm.  How does one recover from 4 days of sheer nothing? Go big and leave home in a fur......

No Justice on Black Friday

I just finished telling Nikki  and Taylor that Black Friday really isn't for me...and then accidentally stumbled upon the All Saints Rivo Sweater deciding maybe Black Friday isn't so bad after all - if you're shopping from bed.  After envisioning Rivo with leggings, military boots, and a shearling lined denim jacket, it turns out the sweater is, of course, sold out in my size.  Except for in Miami.  And All Saints doesn't ship......

With Gratitude

{Table is ready!}Kind of a late post today, but I thought I would take some quality time to help the Chef get ready for Thanksgiving, and just lounge around enjoying snacks and relaxing.  In the past week I've had some time to think about the many blessings in my life like:  A roof over my headClothes on my backA refrigerator filled with foodAccess to clean waterFamily and friends that love and support meA boyfriend that, truth be told,......

White Pumpkin Ganache and Caramel Tart

I don't know about you, but I am ready for a few days off.  We are in full swing over here planning the menu for a special meal at home, as well as figuring out what to take for dinner invites we've received.  At one particular dinner party we are in charge of dessert, so last night spent the evening whipping up a couple "samples" to make sure they would pass expectations.  Upon completion I announced, "I think we might be coming down......

Lunatic Fringe

A few weeks ago you may recall the lament over my existential closet crisis that then spurred on a hippie phase.  You probably noticed the hippie phase lasted approximately one blog post because I realized my hippie clothes were all packed away from the summer we never had (and ps it was 43 degrees with the wind chill at 4pm yesterday!! WHAT?!?).  The realization that I possess zero winter hippie attire - and am not even sure what that......

Free People for Wee People!

This weekend was so blustery, rainy and cold we could barely drag ourselves out of the house.  Saturday's whistling wind kept me under the covers until almost noon...too lazy (and freezing) to get out of bed and race down the hallway to turn up the heat.  Wind + rain + cold = perfect conditions for an internet shopping storm (did you see that Rebecca Taylor dress from Saturday's post?? help.me.now).  It's becoming increasingly difficult......

Twinkle, Twinkle

 {holy mother of pearl}Rebecca Taylor Twinkle Twinkle Dresshere at Tobion sale at Rebecca Taylor!!! (sold out of my size! *insert tears here*) This dress is whispering 'New Year's Eve' and I'm trying to turn down the volume. If it doesn't stop raining soon, I'm going to have to hand my wallet and the computer over to the authorities (aka the Chef)....p.s. check out that cuff on her arm.  sw......

Birding in Papua New Guinea: Ribbon-tailed Astrapia

Let's go back to Papua New Guinea for a post or two, shall we? In the afternoon of our first full day afield, the weather waffled between cool/cloudy and sunny/warming. We birded along the Highlands Highway as well as along some forest trails. While we saw quite a few new species, and more individuals of species we'd already added to the list, the most notable encounter was a foraging immature male ribbon-tailed astrapia—our third bird-of-paradise......

The Elusive Back Door

When I was in university a couple of my friends attended college in the US and we only got to see each other on winter and summer breaks.  These guys were super fun, and my girlfriends and I looked forward to their return trips home where they schooled us about life outside Canada and seemed so very worldly.  Randy and Kenny loved a good rave and after regular club scene hours where we'd rip it up to favorites like 'Jump Around' by House......
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